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Lot No - 228 - Mughals
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AUC22 Lot No : 228
Aurangzeb, Silver Rupee, 11.15g, Assam Mint, AH (1073)/5 RY, the couplet of Aurangzeb is differently arranged as the kings name is at bottom with Badshah Alam Ghazi as seen on this coin. Aurangzeb after ascending the throne of Delhi ordered Mir Jumla to invade Cooch Behar and Assam and re-establish Mughal prestige in eastern India. Mir Jumla entered Assam in the beginning of 1662 AD and was able to easily overcome the resistance of the Assamese at the garrisons between Manaha and Guwahati. But not long after, the torrential rain and violence of the rivers caused immense hardship to the Mughals, their communication with the Imperial fleet had completely been disrupted. A treaty was signed between the Mughals and the Ahoms. But by 1667 the Ahoms fought back the Mughals and were able to push them back upto Manaha river, the old boundary between Assam and Mughal India. Thus Aurangzeb had a short and rather difficult reign over Assam. Unlisted. About Very Fine, Very Rare. Estimated Price
Rs. 25,000-30,000
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