Lot No - 304 - Ancient India
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Post-Vakataka, c. 250 CE–c. 500 CE, uninscribed, Lead coin 1.01g, 12.25x12.56 mm, Obv: Boar [varaha] to running right around plan border, Rev: Unusual interwoven circle Symbol, around plan border. Unlisted in major KM, Very Fine. Very Rare. (varaha is the third avatar of the lord vishnu in the forum of a varaha boar, lord vishnu appeared in the form of a boar in order to defeat hiranyaksha ademonn who had taken the earth [prithvi] and carried it to the bottom of what is described as the cosmic ocean in the story .the battle between varaha and hiranyaksha is believed to have lasted for a thousand years which the former finally won varaha carried the earth out of the ocean between his tusks and restored it to its place in the universe vishnu married prithvi [bhudevi] in this avatar) |
Rs. 18,000-20,000
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