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Lot No - 396 - Princely States
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AUC38 Lot No : 396
Kutch, Silver Kori, 4.69g, Bharmalji I (VS 1642-1688, 1586-1632 AD), Undated type, Struck INO the Emperor Jahangir, Devnagari Ji in Bharaji. The record from Tuzuk-e-Jahangiri mentions that when Jahangir paid his first visit to Gujarat, Bharmalji went to Ahmadabad to pay his respects. The Rao presented Jahangir with 2000 rupees, 100 ashrafis and 100 Kutch horses. In return, Jahangir gave him his own horse, an elephant, a dagger, a sword and diamond rings, and also accorded him the privilege of issuing in his own territory his own coins. Rajgor 28.2. Almost Uncirculated. Rare. Estimate
Rs. 10,000-11,000
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